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Up Next in December, 2021

  • Be Content; 1 Timothy 4-6

    When it comes to being satisfied or content with what we have, most things we see, hear, and read in today's culture are opposite of what the Bible teaches. To be content is to be satisfied, to be full, and happy. over and over again, the Bible teaches that, as followers of Christ, we should deve...

  • Strength in Grace; 2 Timothy 1-4

    Businesses work to sell their product. No matter what restrictions they have, they are focused on making their product desirable, beneficial, and useful. Christians have something that is naturally beneficial to others, are we making it desirable and useful by modelling Christ accurately? Some Ch...

  • Becoming a Christian; Titus 1-3

    Becoming a Christian may be offensive to some but let me be clear, the advantages of being born again outweigh any offense. God does not wait until we have grown mature in Him before giving us the advantages of a believer in Christ. It is true that Christians grow. Like everything else in our