Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023)
Hezekiah Comes to Power; 2 Chronicles 29-32
Season 4, Episode 15
"Hezekiah ruled Judah from about 714-686 BC. He had co-reigned with his father, Ahaz, for 14 years, but once his father died Hezekiah had new and good plans for the nation. For his first year as full king, Hezekiah decided that the Temple would be cleansed, and that spiritual order would be restored in the nation. Hezekiah had already witnessed the fall of their larger and stronger sister-nation to the north, Israel. Assyria had decimated them and carried many of the northern Israelites into exile. Hezekiah knew that he would be dealing with serious challenges from Assyria in the years to come. Something had to change in Judah, so Hezekiah stepped into action. This 13th king of Israel would have made his forefather, David, proud as he placed his bet on the God of Israel. Hezekiah would be one of the last kings of Judah to do so.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."
Up Next in April 2023
The Temple; Ezra 5-10
"Although the rebuilding of the Temple had been taking place, work had stopped between the years 535-520 BC. This state of affairs was corrected by God. He called two prophets to speak to the returned Israelites: It was time to resume the building. Haggai and Zechariah prophesied faithfully to th...
Hearing God; Nehemiah 8-10
"There's something about the Bible. In my experience, there is often a great response to the reading of the Bible. It's easy to get used to saying that the Bible is the Word of God' but it is good to really contemplate that phrase. The Bible contains words from God! The one who created you and m...
Moving In; Nehemiah 11-13
"There were two important areas of concern for any ancient city: Spiritual protection and physical protection. Large cities were marked by their defensive walls and gates that protected citizens in times of war. In order to stay spiritually protected the people of a city needed to have an allegia...