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Up Next in February 2023

  • Godly Confrontations; Numbers 17-20

    "In the world today, we live among those who are willfully confronting and condemning God. They make all kinds of claims that He is not a God at all, or that He is immoral or false. The truth that the Bible speaks is that this has all happened before, among God's people Israel. Numbers 17 explain...

  • The Seventh Month: Numbers 28-31

    offerings given to God every seventh month were a big part of Jewish culture. The Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles offerings were made on the tenth and fifteenth day of the seventh month. The Jewish New Year was at the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets, which was held on the seventh...

  • Faithful to Fight; Numbers 32-33

    The move into the land of Canaan from the wilderness was the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God knew that Israel needed to live with His authority in their lives for the first forty years. Now the nation was getting ready to make a move into the Promised Land, fulfilli...