GREAT Conversations with Calvin Smith
S3E9 How the West needs to be won again
Season 3, Episode 9
How the West needs to be won again. The West once lead in equipping and evangelism, and now its losing ground at an alarming rate!
Up Next in Season 3
S3E10 The Genesis of a brand-new Crit...
The Genesis of a brand-new Critical Thinking course for Christians! With AiG CA Youth outreach Coordinator Patricia Engler.
Discover what prompted AiG Youth outreach Coordinator Patricia Engler to produce and write a fantastic new Critical Thinking course for Christian students (available on Ans...
S3E11 If God created everything,why a...
one of the most instinctive and obvious arguments for the existence of God is the incredible design we find in nature. But if God created everything, why are things so unintelligently designed?
S3E12 Jesus & Genesis-What the New Te...
Jesus and Genesis - What the New Testament says about creation. Many people mistakenly think that the issue of creation, the Flood, where the different people groups came from and the age of the earth only involve the interpretation of Genesis 1 - 11. It's important to remember that the teaching ...