Living Waters 2023
Is the New House Speaker, Mike Johnson, a GENUINE Christian
Season 4, Episode 7
Today, Mike Johnson just became the new House Speakerthe third highest position in America. But is he a genuine Christian? Ray Comfort gives some commentary on this topic, shows footage of Mike Johnson's address from today, and uses the phrase, In God We Trust‚ as a springboard to share the gospel with a college student.
Up Next in Assorted Living Waters Videos from October 2023 - December 2023
Why MANY Believe the Israel-Hamas War...
Listen in as Ray Comfort discusses key biblical prophecies related to the antichrist, and how it could apply to the current ongoing Israel-Hamas war. He then uses prophecies as a stepping stool to talk to unbelievers about the antichrist, Satan, and the gospel. At the end of this video, Ray share...
Israel-Hamas War Fascinating Bible Pr...
Ray Comfort shows how the Israel-Hamas war relates to biblical prophecies and also talks with students about the topic. Please be in prayer over the Middle East.
Halloween: The Time to Evangelize the...
Halloween is National Evangelism Day! Get great Halloween-themed tracts for your Halloween outreach.