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Up Next in February, 2021

  • Cities of the Levites; Numbers 34-36

    In the ancient world, the nation of Israel was unique. In fact, it is still unique in today's world. Israel as a country, exists for the first time in about 2000 years. Many Christians love Israel because they appreciate Biblical history and they understand that God still has a plan for the natio...

  • King og of Bashan; Deuteronomy 1-3

    King og was one of the ancient kings who captured a piece of land on the east side of the Jordan, and he led some very ruthless people. In fact, the Scriptures tell how King og came against the nation of Israel, and how they defeated him. Israel needed victories as a nation, they needed to have s...

  • The Ten Commandments; Deuteronomy 4-6

    There are two places in the Bible where we can read and study the complete records of the Ten Commandments: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. But Jesus Christ highlighted the essentials in Matthew 22:37-40, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mi...