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Up Next in January 2025

  • The Dinah Incident; Genesis 33-35

    Jacob had made peace with his brother Esau and returned to the land of Canaan. He settled at a place called Shechem, and camped in front of the city. He purchased a section of the field where he had pitched his tent from the sons of Hamor, a prince of the country. one of the sons of Hamor was nam...

  • Dreams; Genesis 36-39

    People have dreams. We have used the idea of a dream—something we experience when we are asleep—to represent future hopes, achievements, or aspirations. Dreams in this sense are very personal. The definition for the term aspiration is a desire, a longing, or aim, ambition. This is the way we ...

  • Joseph & God; Genesis 40-43

    Many have tried to make sense of Joseph's devastating fall into Egypt. To suggest that God was late or impeded in His rescue is a misunderstanding of what God was doing. Remember that Joseph was troubled by pride. This was encouraged by his father who treasured him more than his other sons. Josep...