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Up Next in October 2024

  • The Beginning; John 1-2

    Things that have a beginning, have an end. All of our human experience tells us this. That's why it's an important Biblical teaching that God is eternal: He always was, He did not begin, He was, and is, and is to come. This contrasts with us and with the earth and universe. We all had a beginning...

  • The Truth; Luke 22-24

    "When Luke gets to the resurrection of Jesus, it always makes me think of his life as a physician. Luke was clearly a man who was concerned with accuracy and truth. In the beginning of his gospel, Luke tells of his extensive research, and this shows us that he was interested in what really happen...

  • Confrontation; Luke 19-21

    "We often focus on the healing and teaching elements of Jesus' earthly ministry, but Jesus also engaged in a lot of confrontation over truth. The religious leaders were frustrated with Jesus' authority, His healing and teaching that was outside of their traditions. Confrontations between them and...