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Up Next in February, 2022

  • Worshipping Idols; Deuteronomy 4-6

    one of the greatest temptations for ancient cultures was to worship idols - things that
    were created to mimic God and worship. In fact, we still have that temptation today.
    Many in today's world worship their own pleasure and experience. In recent years, the
    bucket-list has become a household s...

  • The Ways of Moses; Deuteronomy 7-10

    "Moses was not interested in preserving his own history, only God's future commands.
    To prophesy the future one must understand the past. So, Moses is reviewing how the
    children of Israel came out of Egypt and will inherit the Promised Land. A large portion
    of the tribes of Israel that would move...

  • A New History; Deuteronomy 19-23

    "In Deuteronomy 28, the LORD reveals to Israel the consequences for their actions: blessings
    for obedience and curses for disobedience. Despite these harsh warnings, Israel will
    eventually ignore God's commands, and succumb to various temptations, false worship, and
    all kinds of evil. God does no...