Make America Laugh Again!
The Swan: Newer
Why do we need to laugh? Laughter is a celebration of the good. It's also how we deal with the "not so good." Laughing is, and always will be, the best form of therapy. Join The Swan as he encourages America to "Laugh Again!" Life IS better...when you're laughing!
Recorded Live at Tallowood Baptist Church in Houston Texas!
Life in Anacoco
Blue Bell Covers it All
C-Pap Machine and the Split King Bed
Swimsuits and Talcum Powder
Why Men Die Before Women
What Did the Doctor Say?
Lead Pastors and Contemporary Services
Zip-lines, Angels &; Baby Jesus
Up Next in The Swan: Newer
It's Time To Laugh at Mud Creek
Ecclesiastes 3:4 says there's a time for tears and there's a time for laughter.‚ This is one of those times you need to just sit back and laugh! As the featured guest speaker for Clear Word Counseling Center and Mud Creek Baptist Church in Hendersonville, North Carolina, Dr. Swanberg delivers one...