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Up Next in October 2024

  • I'm Hungry; Mark 7-8

    We are all made with desires that are meant to benefit us. Many of those desires have been sabotaged by sin, because satan knows very well how to destroy us. When we give in to the temptations that lead us into sin, we will fall. But as we do as Paul advises and run away from temptation, we grow ...

  • Marriage; Mark 9-10

    Marriage is amazing and difficult, but what exactly is it? Is marriage a manmade idea? or is it something sacred? Does a marriage's failure prove that it's manmade, or is it a comment on human nature? The Bible speaks much about marriage. It claims that in the beginning, God created man and woman...

  • The Good News; Mark 15-16

    Why is the message of Jesus Christ called the Good News? To understand that we should admit that there is bad news. Sin has caused so much pain, suffering and death, and it's now a part of our everyday lives. our world's evil is explained very easily by sin. By contrast then, the
    very good news i...