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Up Next in August, 2021

  • Ruins Rebuilt; Ezekiel 34-36

    The oldest nation on earth with its religion, language, and culture is Israel. The name itself appears first in Genesis 32:28, thousands of years ago. The New Testament, which was written to uncover the truth of Jesus Christ, records some of the last ancient history of Israel. Within 70-74 years ...

  • What is True Peace?; Ezekiel 43-45

    Most of us believe that peace is a way of coexisting without trouble or conflict, but peace in the Bible has a more impactful meaning. The first thing we notice is that there is no development of peace when there is elimination of war. War is something that begins in the heart of man (JAMES 4). S...

  • The Land of Holiness; Ezekiel 46-48

    Ezekiel 48 is the last chapter of the book. The twelve tribes of Israel are mentioned here, with emphasis placed on the holy district and the property assigned to the coming Prince. This ordering of Israel's tribes does not include Joseph by name, but it does include his sons Manasseh and Ephraim...