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Up Next in May, 2021

  • Faith & Righteousness; Psalms 9-14

    Music reveals the truths of God but not in a subtle, insignificant or casual way. The LORD's character is indescribably beautiful. God's ways are right, totally right, and never, ever false or evil. Music is an amazing way to communicate this, and the Psalms make it clear that God is miraculous, ...

  • Worthy vs. Worthless; Psalms 15-18

    It seems like people are programmed today to judge each other without any context. Social media forums encourage and celebrate calling out' people who are wrong, different or strange without looking in the mirror. But God speaks clearly to everyone, no matter where they are: about who is worthy ...

  • To Be Right With God; Psalms 29-32

    What does it mean to be right with God‚? For starters, being right with God is not something we can do in ourselves. We are not holy by nature. It is a gift from the LORD through Jesus Christ. We depend upon God for everything good. So, we have to pay close attention to our reasoning and emotions...