"What does it mean to be worthy? Many of us in the modern West are a part of a democracy which deems us worthy to vote; worthy to have a voice in the shaping of our nations. This concept has become so central that to some people voting is the most important thing that we can do for our future. While this recognition of having a say in our country is a
remarkable one, there is something even more impactful that we can do whether we live in a democracy, a dictatorship, a monarchy, or anything else. For us, our future should be hinged on our prayer life and our obedience to God, voting should be a secondary act. Whether our
governments deem us worthy of a voice or not, God has given us the amazing privilege of having a voice with Him. How amazing is that? Let's not become unmotivated in our prayer life, we are speaking to the Creator of the universe! Today's reading tells of a man who knew that he was unworthy, but Jesus healed his servant anyway.
Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023) -June 2023.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."
Up Next in October 2023
The Kingdom of God; Luke 9-10
"The Kingdom of God offers us so much more than this world ever could. God's forgiveness and redemption give us an amazing hope for the future. As we read the gospels there is a lot of talk about the Kingdom of God, and we will learn that without it we are in severe trouble. You see, our citizens...
Prayer; Luke 11-12
"It is clear that prayer is very important to God. Not because we have to pray a certain way, or a right way, but it is about being honest with God, inviting God into our lives, hearing God, and being heard by Him. It is also an important way that we can give praise to God. Being honest with Him ...
Faith and Duty; Luke 17-20
"It is very easy to have life objectives that are wrong. our natural inclinations are so often against the commands of God. our own human natures team up with our cultures and the voices and lives of people around us to shape how we live, and what we prioritize. When we come to Christ though, we ...