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Up Next in February, 2022

  • Departure from Sinai; Numbers 10-13

    "The first time the camp of Israel moved is highlighted in Numbers 10. It was the twentieth
    day of the second month, in the second year. When the cloud that normally rested over the
    Tabernacle raised up and moved, the people knew that it was time for them to move on too.
    While this marks the firs...

  • God's Mercy; Numbers 14-16

    "Nothing is more evident than the mercy of the Almighty God. The LORD has extended
    His mercy toward us and has saved us from the devastation of hell. God is longsuffering
    and has set an example for humanity through His Son Jesus Christ. Though many have
    rejected Christ, as Christians we recognize...

  • Do What God Says; Numbers 17-20

    "one of the greatest things we can do is the work of God. The LORD uses His people to
    do His work. It is all too easy for us to become proud or impatient and do things our way
    instead of God's way. It is always better for us to follow the LORD and with His help,
    learn to do things His way. When w...