Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2022)
Offerings of Worship; Ezekiel 46-48
Season 8, Episode 18
"The LORD speaks to the prophet Ezekiel and, not unlike Moses, the commands given are about how His people are to act and respond in giving. The way we give our tithes and offerings in our churches today has largely watered down the reason why we give. If we give our offerings by dropping in a twenty dollar bill every time we get the chance,
that is not really giving in a meaningful way. When we give our tithes and offerings, we should remember to thank the LORD Jesus Christ for all He has done for us. This helps us to remember that our money, who we are, and everything we have, is really His. The choices that we make as followers of Jesus are a direct result of His action in our lives. So,
when we give our offerings, it should not be so much about the empathy we might feel toward a project we're giving to, but about the blessings the LORD has given to us even when we're in difficult times. In Ezekiel 46, God speaks to us through time and teaches us how to act and react when giving to the LORD.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."
Up Next in August, 2022
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