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Up Next in November 2024

  • True Prophets; 2 Corinthians 4-6

    Today's world is full of prophets and people who claim to speak for God. How do you know if they are true and right? How can you tell if someone is speaking for God or secretly against God? As Paul the apostle was writing his second letter to the Corinthians, he had to face such issues. This mean...

  • Right Giving; 2 Corinthians 7-9

    our Western world tends to focus mainly on money as the best way to find fulfillment in our livesas if money is the ultimate reason for living. Everything we do is measured by the money we have or can get. Arguments over taxes, conflict in prices over goods, and the way in which we gain or save o...

  • The Weak Made Strong; 2 Corinthians 1...

    I grew up thinking that a real man was someone who did everything his own way, and that I, too, needed to make my own way in the world my way, that all the decisions were mine and mine alone. Then I encountered absolute power and strength: Jesus Christ. The one who conquered death itself and whos...