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Up Next in May 2024

  • The Heavens; Psalms 19-23

    It was the LORD who instructed Abraham to look up at the stars and count them if he could
    (GENESIS 15:5). of course, we know that it was an impossible task. Yet in Psalm 147:4, we learn that God cannot only count the stars but knows them all by name! It is impossible for our human minds to unders...

  • King of Glory; Psalms 24-28

    In the Bible, God is given the title the King of Glory. In Psalm 24, the Hebrew word for ""glory"" is kavod meaning glory, honour, and wealth or abundance. In other words, God is the King of
    everything. If this is true, then when we pray and give praise to the LORD, we are speaking to the one wh...

  • God Saves; Psalms 29-32

    For Christians, praising God just makes sense. We know that God is good, and we believe that He has saved us from hell. The concept of praise, however, is easily misunderstood by people on the outside. A friend of mine once told me that someone had approached him, knowing
    that he was a Christian,...