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Up Next in June 2023

  • The Call of Wisdom; Proverbs 1-4

    "The book of Proverbs is designed to equip God's people with wisdom that enables them
    to function well in a sin-cursed world. This is no easy assignment! Since Solomon is the
    main contributor to the book of Proverbs, the Hebrew title of the book is called ""Proverbs
    of Solomon.‚ The rabbinical wr...

  • Temptation; Proverbs 5-8

    "God created good things for us to experience in our lives, and many of these things bring us joy and pleasure. However, we were never meant to spend our lives pursuing pleasure. Pleasure is not our purpose. Unfortunately, we all know that pleasure can become a snare for our souls. The pursuit of...

  • Learning; Proverbs 9-11

    "The Bible says that the best way to have a long life is to learn wisdom. There are a lot of ways that we seek longevity today - exercise, diet, medication, surgeries, science - but a good long life begins with God's wisdom. It can be a really difficult thing for us to get in a learning mood....