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Up Next in November 2024

  • The Weak Made Strong; 2 Corinthians 1...

    I grew up thinking that a real man was someone who did everything his own way, and that I, too, needed to make my own way in the world my way, that all the decisions were mine and mine alone. Then I encountered absolute power and strength: Jesus Christ. The one who conquered death itself and whos...

  • Troubles in the Church; Galatians 5-6

    I heard a story told years ago about a man who was marooned on a desert island for ten years. He was surrounded by nothing but salt water. Then one day, a ship was passing by and saw his call for help. They sent a smaller boat to the island and found him. The man was so grateful! Looking around, ...

  • Ephesus; Ephesians 1-2

    The ancient city of Ephesus is mentioned over twenty times in the New Testament! Quite a few key Biblical figures spent time ministering there including Paul, Timothy, and John the apostle. The importance of Ephesus had a lot to do with its location. It was an important seaport and so it saw a lo...