Winston says it's doomsday as the forest is taken over by giant bugs with red eyes. What are they? And are creepy crawlies really that creepy?
photo by: Mackenzie Wryghte
Up Next in Season 2
S2E3 Sense-ers
It's Schus off! Gameshow‚! Will Trevor be able to get enough answers right, using his senses of sight, taste, and smell, to win the fabulous grand prize? Guess along with Trevor and meet some amazing creature friends during this gameshow special.
S2E4 Image Bearers
Trevor and Avery paint masterpieces before exploring God's creation and meeting lemurs, kunekune pigs, and a mealy amazon parrot. Along the way, they discover what makes humans unique from everything else God made.
S2E5 Herders
Shearing alpacas is hard workand why are there so many of them? Discover why some animals live in groups, while others lead solitary lives, as Trevor and Avery meet an armadillo, a fennec fox, a massive Taiwan beauty snake, and more. Along the way, they'll explore if humans were created to live a...