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Up Next in March, 2021

  • King Saul's First War; 1 Samuel 9-12

    The people of Israel had chosen their first king, and it would not be long before they would need his leadership. Messengers arrived at Gibeah, King Saul's hometown and Israel's first capital city, with a crisis: The Ammonites had invaded and barricaded Jabesh Gilead, efforts at peace had resulte...

  • Conspiracies; 1 Samuel 20-23

    It is hard to understand what God is doing and how He is moving when our minds are bent away from Him. When we stop focusing on God, we can easily get lost in our own ideas; we can get trapped in conspiracy theories that seem to threaten what we have. If satan, the enemy of our soul, can distract...

  • Calling out To the King; 1 Samuel 24-28

    David understood the weight of God's anointing. Today, we see that as we read 1 Samuel 26. The word anointed means set apart or made to be different. Saul was chosen by God to serve Him as the first king of Israel, not to spend his time chasing after David in a jealous rage. David knew the differ...