"The Bible is a collection of writings thousands of years old, yet is the most published and distributed book in the world, translated into more languages than any other book. It is unique. Cultural Historian, Gabriel Sivan, said this about the Bible: ""No other document in the possession of mankind offers so much to the reader - ethical and religious instruction, superb poetry, a social program and legal code, an interpretation of history, and all the joys, sorrows, and hopes which well up in men and which Israel's prophets and leaders expressed with matchless force and passion."" Isaiah 6 introduces us to the time when Isaiah is given his Godly call and mission to be a prophet, to speak the Word of God. We also get a glimpse into Isaiah's amazing vision of angels calling out to one another saying: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!‚ (ISAIAH 6:3).
Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2023) -June 2023.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways."