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Up Next in June 2023

  • Learning; Proverbs 9-11

    "The Bible says that the best way to have a long life is to learn wisdom. There are a lot of ways that we seek longevity today - exercise, diet, medication, surgeries, science - but a good long life begins with God's wisdom. It can be a really difficult thing for us to get in a learning mood....

  • Becoming Wise; Proverbs 12-14

    "What we believe affects how we behave, and how we behave affects how people see us - - our character, lifestyle, and reputation. If we are willing to learn, knowing that we do not and will not know everything, we will do well. However, if we assume that we have all the answers to our problems a...

  • Bought and Redeemed!; Proverbs 21-24

    "Whatever the nation pays for with its tax money shows what is important to that nation. But we don't always have a say in those decisions. As Christians, we are simply called to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's‚ ( L U K E 2 0 : 2 5 ) . This mean...