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Up Next in May 2023

  • Scatter our Enemies; Psalms 60-64

    "There is no question that this world is troubled. There is something wrong! The Bible identifies this trouble as sin, rebellion against the absolute authority of God. When we realize that sin is our enemy, we begin to change the way we think about sin. We learn and understand that the only way t...

  • Praise God!; Psalms 65-68

    "The very last verse in the whole book of Psalms says, ""Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.PraisetheLORD!"(PSALM 150:6). We are commanded in the Word of God, the Bible, to praise the LORD. When we pray, do we do that? Do we praise the LORD with our lives? When we talk, do we praise t...

  • Time of Change; Psalms 69-72

    "We are in a time of great shifting in the world. Never before have individuals traveled so fast, so far, and so high, as they do today. Never before have we been in constant communication with anyone, anywhere from a device in our pocket. Never before could a person radically change their body w...