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Up Next in November 2024

  • Order of the Church; 1 Corinthians 13-16

    The Church has order. It should not be unorganized. The Church did not happen by chance. It was not unplanned, nor a backup plan. God ordained the Church from the beginning of time. Jesus mentioned the Church for the first time in Matthew 16:18, which says, And I also say to you that you are Pete...

  • Paul's Second Letter; 2 Corinthians 1-3

    The ancient city of Corinth was not exactly an easy place to develop a Christian church with strong character. Their culture was notoriously dark and morally bankrupt. It was a city that carried a stigma. Yet, here, God grew a church. Paul lived there for some time greater than a year to teach, c...

  • True Prophets; 2 Corinthians 4-6

    Today's world is full of prophets and people who claim to speak for God. How do you know if they are true and right? How can you tell if someone is speaking for God or secretly against God? As Paul the apostle was writing his second letter to the Corinthians, he had to face such issues. This mean...