Barry Wilmore: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God-Jesus Christ is Lord of All
Answers Homeschool Experience 2023: Equipping Generations for the King
Barry Wilmore: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God - Jesus Christ is Lord of All
Barry Butch‚ Wilmore, a NASA astronaut, space shuttle pilot, and a commander of an International Space Station expedition, shares about his time in space and how the heavens declare the glory of God. Barry has spent 178 days in outer space, including being the first space shuttle pilot to do a spacewalk. He's a biblical creationist, loves God's Word, and boldly shares the gospel with others.
Equipping Generations for the King: Answers Homeschool Experience 2023
Up Next in Answers Homeschool Experience 2023: Equipping Generations for the King
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Light a Thousand Fires
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Equipping Generations for the King: Answers Homeschool Experience 2023 -
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Equipping Generations for the King: Answers Homeschool Experience 2023 -
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