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Up Next in July, 2022

  • God Speaks To Jerusalem; Jeremiah 20-22

    "The LORD God always tells His people what He expects from them. As Christians, we recognize that Jesus Christ set a path for us, His teachings and the commentary of the
    New Testament outline what is required of us. We know through His life and teachings that humanity has fallen into a sin-filled...

  • God Speaks the Future; Jeremiah 23-25

    "one of the reasons the Bible is considered to contain the voice of God is because of its amazing prophecy. Its ability to foretell certain and specific events centuries before they happen. God is above time, He knows the beginning, the middle, and the end of all things. He created time and space...

  • False Prophets; Jeremiah 26-28

    "Most people love the attention of man. Some do crazy things to attract attention. We have been taught through life experience that a great way to grab and keep attention is to say or do something popular or spectacular. What television, radio, internet, or live event does not consider the audien...