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Ray Comfort talks about how the coronavirus vaccine may or may not relate to the mark of the beast. He also asks people if they've heard of the mark of the beast before leading them through the gospel.
Up Next in 2021: July - September
How to Speak to Someone Who Was Lukewarm
Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a young man who claims to be a Christian, but lives in sin. What should someone do when they evangelize to someone like this? Listen to what Ray says.
Rocket Scientist Changes His Mind Abo...
A rocket scientist changes his mind about God.
You'll Stop Using the Sinner's Prayer...
After sharing the gospel with a receptive man with a Catholic background, many may wonder why Ray Comfort doesn't walk him through the sinner's prayer. At the end of this evangelism encounter, Ray explains why he doesn't: because it's unbiblical.
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