United Methodists near split, Kneebone makes comeback, People go on "birth strikes", out of Africa theory of origins challenged, and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the Creation Museum.
Up Next in 2019: April - June
5/16 Baby=Human=Person
Robertson denies 6,000 year old universe; Nye says killer asteroid is coming; Aussie bureaucrats find Mother's Day offensive; Meteorite used to tell stardust stories; Supreme Court case over men's clothing; Quinn insists babies in utero are not human . . . and more during today's episode of Answe...
5/23 Hawaiian Birds Evolve Fast
Chilean lawmakers consider legalizing teen suicide; Hawaiian birds trick evolutionists into conceding rapid speciation; US birth rates hit record low; ontario rules Christian doctors must offer abortions and euthanasia . . and more during today's episode of Answers News, broadcast live from the C...
6/03 Billion-Year-old Fungus?
Raccoon dog terrorizes village; First photo of white panda; Graduate student speculates about microfossil; Naturalists misinterpret Flood debris rafts; Gucci fashion show features abortion; Researchers use ribosome profiling to discover mini-proteins in our hearts; Senolytics removes old cells to...