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Up Next in January 2024

  • God's Mercy; Exodus 33-36

    "The book of Exodus does more than establish the origin story of the nation of Israel. It reveals to us more of God's character and more of God's plan of redemption, or salvation, for the world. As God deals with Israel and Moses, we get to see God's great mercy and God's great holiness. All thro...

  • The Burnt Offering; Leviticus 5-8

    "The law of the burnt offering was unique and interesting. We learn from it that sin against another person, a neighbour, was to be considered a sin against the LORD. This is critical for us to learn. God expects us to live righteously and decently toward others. We are not to take advantage of p...

  • Clean and Unclean; Leviticus 9-11

    "There were certain foods that God deemed clean and unclean, food the Israelites could eat or not eat. God, through Jesus Christ, changed this law with the advent of the new covenant because Christ fulfilled the law. We are no longer bound to the dietary restrictions of the old covenant (ACTS 1 0...