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Up Next in June 2023

  • A Love Song; Song of Songs 1-3

    "The Hebrew title Shir Hashirim comes from Song of Solomon 1:1, The song of songs, which is Solomon's.‚ The Song of Solomon is a love song written by King Solomon to celebrate the love between him and his bride. The book reads like scenes from a drama with three main speakers: the King (Solomon),...

  • God Expresses His Love; Song of Songs...

    "How do we think God communicates His love to us? This is a great question because we have no reference for God's love outside of our life. When we exit this life and enter into eternity, we will have a whole set of new experiences to consider as God expresses His love to us. An important questio...

  • In the Future; Isaiah4-5

    "Although the book of Isaiah was written in the past, it is about the future. That is why it is called prophecy. Prophecy is defined as the foretelling of what is to come. Isaiah 4 speaks of a time in our future when the events of the tribulation have begun, and Jesus Christ returns to the earth....