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Up Next in July 2023

  • Come, LORD Jesus; Isaiah 64-66

    "As we read Isaiah 64, imagine the devastation that would have been felt by the small, faithful remnant of God. Isaiah was part of that faithful remnant and God had revealed to him in advance that destruction was on its way, God's judgment for the broken covenant. Isaiah's prayer is passionate in...

  • A Difficult Book; Jeremiah 1-3

    "Chapter 1 of Jeremiah introduces us to Jeremiah the prophet, who he is and where he came from. His tribe was Benjamin, whom we have seen go on a varied journey throughout Scripture. Back in Judges, we read about how the tribe of Benjamin was nearly destroyed for their great evil, then Israel's f...

  • Impressive?; Jeremiah 10-13

    "It seems to me that today, the more we assert our own amazing individuality, the more attention and worship we seem to draw to ourselves. In Jeremiah 9, we see God speaking to a people who are impressed with themselves, who are fixated on what they can and have created with their own hands. Idol...