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Up Next in Billy Graham Movies

  • The Heart is a Rebel

    For four years, Hal (John Milford, Gunsmoke, The X-Files) and Joan Foster (Georgia Lee, The Restless ones, oiltown, U.S.A) have been struggling with their son's serious illness. Intelligent, resourceful, and emotionally stable, the young couple is determined to get through this. Most of all, they...

  • Oiltown, U.S.A.

    NoTE: May not be appropriate for all audiences.
    Les Manning (Paul Power, Perry Mason, Highway Patrol) is a self-made Texas oilman living in a world of wealth and power. He's used to getting what he wants when he wants it. However, when his only daughter (Colleen Evans, The Walls of Jericho, When ...

  • Wiretapper

    The amazing story of Jim Vaus, an electronics whiz entangled with the mob. Actual footage of the Billy Graham's 1949 LA Crusade makes it a true classic!