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Up Next in July, 2021

  • The City of God; Isaiah 51-53

    Jerusalem is mentioned more than any other city in the Bible. In the New Testament, the apostle John says that the New Jerusalem comes from God and descends to the new earth as the headquarters of God's Kingdom. He writes, Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first...

  • Praise the LORD!; Isaiah 60-63

    The LORD is to be praised! The theme of the transformation of God's people continues in Isaiah 62 with the assurance of Zion's salvation. From shame they will rise in glory, thanks to what their LORD God has done and will do. When we look at the prophetic, we often see judgments and warnings, but...

  • Tremble at His Word; Isaiah 64-66

    Religion is man's way of finding and connecting with God. The LORD made a way for ancient Israel to connect with Him, and He has made a way for us to connect with Him. This way cannot be fulfilled through religion. our connection with God must be physical and spiritual. Jesus Christ came - full...