Bible Discovery TV - The Daily Show (2021)
The Soldiers; Acts 21-23
Season 11, Episode 4
Paul was always involved in some kind of conflict. Some people believe it was all for good, others see in the personality of this former Pharisee, a kind of troublemaker. Nevertheless, Paul, who knew the world of the Pharisees and Jewish religious leaders well, was confronted by them. The Sanhedrin, the highest religious order of the Jewish people, became troubled by Paul's constant teaching. They felt it was against the Jewish faith and wanted it to stop. Jesus Christ faced a similar situation when He was brought before the high priest. Paul was not as graceful in his response as our LORD Jesus, but was very quick on his feet. He managed to cleverly break them up and cause them to infight. Paul spoke about the resurrection of the dead, which some of them, the Sadducees, did not believe in. The Pharisees and Sadducees were at odds on this point; this clever move of Paul stirred up the nature of the meeting so much that the Roman soldiers had to move in.
We are a family-run international ministry with television, print and online programs designed to guide you through the Bible in one year.
From social issues and apologetics to theology, history and science, our mission is to educate, edify and encourage the believer to actively engage with God's Word in all ways.
Up Next in November, 2021
The Testimony; Acts 24-26
Paul was very pleased for the chance to share his testimony before King Agrippa and the Roman authorities. A testimony is evidence in support of a fact or statement.‚ As disciples of the LORD Jesus Christ, we are commissioned to tell others our testimony - the reason we live like we do, the rea...
Righteousness of Faith; Romans 3-4
There is a persistent problem between faith and the law. Many do not and will not believe in faith, but find it easy to see and hear the law of God. The problem is, Jesus Christ told us that many would be close to the law and are not close to Him as their LORD. Also, in the book of Revelation 3:2...
The Truth; Romans 5-7
When we talk about the law of God from the old Testament, there are three parts to it: cultural, ceremonial, and eternal. Acts 15 shows how the Jews in the early Church, had to first deal with ceremonial and cultural laws, and their faith. They ended up supporting the eternal law about worshippin...