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Up Next in March 2024

  • God's Place; 1 Samuel 5-8

    "The Philistines were known enemies of Israel. They likely originated from Greece and made their temporary home in Canaan. For reference, we call that area the Gaza strip today. In ancient times however, Israel was called to rid the nation of those invaders under the leadership of Samuel, the las...

  • God Shows His Power; 1 Samuel 9-12

    "Fourteen judges were called and sent by God to deliver Israel from bondage and lead them in the right ways. Samuel was the last of these judges. They led Israel at a time when there was no king. When Samuel was old and gray, God told him to anoint a new leader over Israel. But Israel desired a k...

  • The First Battle; 1 Samuel 13-16

    "Saul had made his mark as Israel's first king. But something wasn't right about him. Saul would ignore the commands of God and do things that seemed to be right and take the glory for victory. King Saul spent the last part of his reign chasing after God's next chosen king, David. The desire to b...