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Up Next in August, 2022

  • A Condition of the Heart; Jeremiah 41-44

    "There is a condition so deadly that it not only takes our life from us but also gives us no hope for the afterlife. This condition is called sin. Sin is doing what God has told us not
    to do. Sin separates us from God. Some of us resist God or even the idea that there is a God. Some of us resist ...

  • Trust in the LORD!; Jeremiah 45-48

    "What we say and what we do are not always the same thing. As I think about this, I find myself thinking about how each monetary coin and bill in the USA has the inscription,
    IN GoD WE TRUST'. In each transaction of U.S. currency, the exchange makes the claim that the U.S.A. and the one who spen...

  • Bad News for Babylon; Jeremiah 49-50

    "Babylon is a famous city from ancient Mesopotamia, and in the Akkadian language of the time meant Gate of God' or Gate of the Gods'. The English words Babel' and Babylon' are derived from the same Hebrew word that means confusion'. During the days of Jeremiah, Babylon had grown into a natio...