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Up Next in November, 2021

  • Confess and Believe; Romans 8-10

    Coming to Jesus Christ has a unique meaning. Most people, when they think about coming to God, believe that God is bigger, more powerful, and stronger than they are. So, why then do we need to come to Christ, and what would we possibly say to Him? When I say come to Jesus Christ, I mean come to t...

  • Including Israel; Romans 11-12

    In Romans 11, Paul explains that God did not reject Israel, but Israel rejected God because of hardened hearts and unbelief in Christ Jesus. But he also stresses that they are not beyond recovery. God can graft Israel, the branches, back into the olive tree if they come by faith (RoM. 11:23-24). ...

  • Owe No Man Anything; Romans 13-14

    "owe no man anything" that statement seems irrelevant in today's world. How could we even begin to live our life, if that was the case? But the fact of the matter is that statement is relevant! In fact, it is a command of God. We should work to come out of debt, not be in it. We should desire to ...