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Up Next in July, 2021

  • Appointment With Truth; Isaiah 45-47

    The Bible's overall theme is the rescue of humanity. It is not focused on a nation or a people but on God's plan. He works with us as we come to Him, His ways, and His reality. In this life, everyone must face the reality of a decision for or against Jesus Christ. In today's passage we read again...

  • The Servant; our Hope; Isaiah 48-50

    How is it possible that the redemption of the LORD is not of value to those who need it to stay alive? As we grow older, why do we search in vain turning toward technology and new ways of thinking to preserve our life? What is it in this life we are trying to preserve? Many people claim that our ...

  • The City of God; Isaiah 51-53

    Jerusalem is mentioned more than any other city in the Bible. In the New Testament, the apostle John says that the New Jerusalem comes from God and descends to the new earth as the headquarters of God's Kingdom. He writes, Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first...