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Up Next in May, 2021

  • Wickedness & Perfection; Psalms 33-36

    When the Bible says God is perfect, it means more than just perfectly good. God is perfect in all things - logic, emotion, action, purpose, judgment, truth, etc. But the meaning of perfection is lost on a lot of people, if not everyone. We have a sense of it, like how eternity is written on our...

  • Going Against Evil; Psalms 37-40

    If we pursue evil inwardly, and hold every thought captive, it will change our perspective and attitude. We are called to change how we think, to find the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ.

    Interestingly, this inward call of salvation and sanctification is expressed in how we engage with...

  • Survival vs. Sacrifice; Psalms 41-44

    When we pursue God, nothing else should be in view. We can easily become overwhelmed by the things of this world, even if they are necessary for survival. Jesus Christ said, Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what y...