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Up Next in July 2024

  • Vegeance; Isaiah 33-35

    As I read Isaiah 34, it strikes me that the time of the millennium will be different than any other
    time in history. By millennium, I'm referring to the millennial reign of Jesus Christ in which Christ
    rules as King from Jerusalem for 1000 years. Revelation 19 talks about how Christ will destroy

  • Evil Speaks; Isaiah 36-37

    As I reflect on the situation that King Hezekiah found himself in, it makes me think about evil and the confident lies it tells. When evil speaks to us as Christians, it is always a lie. When the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is our LORD then evil holds no sway over us; nothing can happen to u...

  • Wrong View; Isaiah 38-40

    People often look at what they have, to define their success or failure. If someone has a lot of
    money or influence, we tend to say, Wow, look at all they have accomplished, they are very
    successful.‚ Is this a good system of measurement? Do things give us everything we need for
    this life and the...