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Up Next in August 2023

  • Holy Procedures; Ezekiel 46-48

    "The final eight chapters of Ezekiel focus on the procedures and rituals and manner of worship in the holy Temple of God that help us understand the holiness of God. Holiness is not exclusive to religion, it is exclusive to God. God is the only one who is holy and tells us that we need to deeply ...

  • A Brave Move; Daniel 1-2

    "Daniel was a bright, young man whom God had anointed to lead. His name means God Judges‚ or God's Judge‚. However, Daniel was not set apart to lead his own people out of exile but was anointed by God to lead his people within the Babylonian Empire in a unique way. It
    dominated the world! When Go...

  • Time Has a Limit; Daniel 7-9

    "Daniel writes about his vision of future events around 535 BC; a vision that unsettled him greatly. Daniel was a man who was dedicated to following God in a time of great rebellion. But it was in this time that our LORD spoke to him about what would happen and when it would take place in the fut...