Ears That Hear -- How do ears work? Curious scientists discover details. Mr. P and Dr. Menton get in our heads and find a body of evidence that balance, hearing and communication are not accidents. God created listening.
Photo by Irina Murza
Up Next in Season 2
S2E39 Hands on: Fruit Dissection
Fruits carry seeds so that plants can reproduce after their kind. Mr. P and Dr. Hall-Rivera show you how to dissect fruits. With curiosity and simple tools you can learn things about God's creation that most people miss.
Download instructions for today's experiment at:
https://answersingenesis.... -
S2E40 Unlocking Science - Season 2 Fi...
Mr. P (and Claude) post an update about wrapping up Season 2 of Unlocking Science. Looking forward to an upgraded Season 3!
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