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Creation Basics

S1E23 What are life's biggest philosophical questions?

Season 1, Episode 23

Up Next in Season 1

  • S1E24 Was Noah's Flood local, & does ...

    Was Noah's Flood local just a local flood, and does it really matter what we believe about it? Find out why Noah's Flood being a global flood is key to the gospel message!

  • S1E25 What does creation have to do w...

    What does the topic of creation have to do with love, sex and marriage? The meaning of everything is tied to its origin, find out how in today's segment.

  • S1E26 Why Is Creation Such a Big Deal?

    Creation or evolution? What difference does it make?Following the logical conclusions based on these two ultimate starting points' for existence, actually has eternal consequences. What could be more important than that?