While the western Roman empire was falling in Europe, in the Americas one of the most spectacular civilizations was reaching its peak. With advanced astronomical capabilities, a precise calendar system, massive pyramids, and millions of people, the Mayans had no equals in their day. A few hundred years later, the classic Mayan cities emptied, and their written inscriptions ceased. In short order, their enormous temples were swallowed by the jungle and remained hidden under dense foliage for almost a thousand years. Then, in the early 1800s, the mysterious classic Mayan civilization was re-discovered. Why did it disappear?
Up Next in Season 1
S1E15 The Ancient Native American Con...
Modern genetics reveals a shocking discovery: Today's Native Americans were not the first Americans. Instead, they left Central Asia and arrived in the Americas in the early A.D. era. What people group did they come from? Who are their ancestors? What is their story? Could they be linked to Europ...
S1E16 Mysteries of the Ancient Pacifi...
What happened in Australia before Europeans arrived? What is the story of the Australian Aboriginal people? What about the pre-colonial history of the Pacific Islanders? Papua New Guinea? Who were the first people to arrive in the Americas? Could all of these regions be linked through an ancient ...
S1E17 What Happened to the Vikings?
Fearsome, violent, and romanticized, to this day the Vikings of the Middle Ages command our attention. Even children's movies have taken up the Viking banner. What do we know about their history? The legacy of their exploits? After the Vikings plundered northern Europe, what happened to them? A t...