Living Waters - 2021
Why Does This Atheist Refuse to Believe in the Biblical God?
Season 3, Episode 2
Ray Comfort talks with an atheist who quickly changes his mind about god's existence... as long as he avoids the God of the Bible. Ray explains why people avoid believing in the biblical God: mainly because they're at enmity with God and have hearts that refuse to submit to His Commandments.
Up Next in 2021: July - September
Evangelism Was Fine, Until This Made ...
Everything was going normally during this evangelism conversation, but the tension slowly begins to build as this young woman's sins become more and more exposed in light of God's Commandments. Eventually, she loses her patience, and lets Ray Comfort know how she truly feels about Christianity.
I'm In My 11th or 12th Incarnation.‚
In this evangelism video, Ray Comfort talks with an outgoing woman who believes in reincarnation and general spiritual teachings. Ray also talks with a kind and humble man who is convicted by his sins and seems close to getting right with the Lord.
Every word you said struck me to the ...
Ray Comfort talks with a very humble and likable painter about the gospel. He listens intently the entire time, eager to learn more about the things of the Lord. What a precious evangelism encounter!