GREAT Conversations with Calvin Smith
S8E16 Why haven't we found human and dinosaur fossils together?
Season 8, Episode 16
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses a very popular question- Why haven't we found human and dinosaur fossils together?- and shows how it's more of a headache for evolutionists than biblical creationists!
Up Next in Season 8
S8E17 Interpreting Scripture Through ...
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses how interpreting scripture through a supposed scientific lens of long ages dismantled biblical history.
S8E18 Interpreting Scripture Through ...
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses how modern geologists have began recognizing that many facts found in the geologic record seemed to support rapid catastrophic processes having occurred in the past.
S8E19 Interpreting Scripture Through ...
In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses how the secular geological concept of neo-catastrophism, although closer to the truth of what the Genesis Flood would produce, fails to explain the physical evidence of the rock...