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Up Next in September 2024

  • Festive; Haggai 1-2

    Haggai is the name of a sixth century prophet meaning festive‚, indicating that he may have been born on a holy day. Compared to most of the writing prophets, there is very little information on the personal life of Haggai. However, what we do know is that Haggai's short and strong message came t...

  • Restoring Rain; Zechariah 9-11

    Without leadership in the communities, the Israelites were listening to the lies of false prophets and asking for blessings of rain from their idols. Zechariah told them to stop and ask the LORD for rainall blessing and restoration would ultimately come from Him. As we all have, the people in Isr...

  • Gift of God; Matthew 1-3

    According to Mark 2:14 and Luke 5:27, Matthew the tax collector was also known as Levi. Most of us know him as Matthew though, which means Gift of God.‚ Scholars have long believed that Matthew's gospel was written with a Jewish audience in mind, due to the themes and sayings that are evident wit...