If you've never been to the Creation Museum for ChristmasTown, you're missing out! On this special edition of Behind the Experience, we'll draw back the curtain and take you behind the scenes to show you what it takes to transform the Creation Museum into ChristmasTown. For over a decade the Creation Museum has been adorned with thousands of multi-colored lights, creating a breathtaking experience.
But, ChristmasTown is more than just spectacular lights. ChristmasTown is about sharing the truth of the gospel with live drama performances that present the Christmas account from different perspectives. In this episode, you'll get a rare glimpse of the actors, and our sound and audio-visual teams to see what they do to produce a truly amazing experience.
Jesus is the one true gift - we are the reason. Merry Christmas!
Up Next in A ChristmasTime Playlist
No Room in the Inn
Meet the archeologist and uncover facts about the time of Christ you never knew.
November 2024: The Son’s Arrival
Avery Foley reflects on Christ and why he came to earth as the baby in a manger. God's Son did not arrive on earth that first Christmas night. He arrived about 9 months earlier when he was miraculously conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus was fully God and fully man at the moment of fertilizati...
December 2024: The Most Famous Birth
Bryan Osborne speaks about the most famous birth in history. The birth of Jesus fulfilled many prophesies, such as told in Micah 5:2, "The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem" and Isaiah 7:14, "behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel." His birth fulfilled ...